Revesby Gurudwara rejects letter vilifying Hindus; police complaint to be made

Sydney’s Revesby Gurudwara has today denied any involvement in the penning of a letter that vilified Hindus, in response to a legal notice sent by the Australian Hindu Association’s lawyers – Opal Legal.

On 19 May 2022, the Australian Hindu Association had been provided with a four-page letter carrying the address of Revesby Gurudwara – 14-16 The River Road, Revesby. The letter addressed to PM Scott Morrison, was purportedly from the Sikh Gurudwara Council of Australia, Akhand Kirtani Jatha Australia (sic) ‘and other Sikh organizations.’

The document ‘strongly oppos(ed) remarks of few fascist RSS goons …attacking one of our community members Amar Singh representing a charity Turbans 4 Australia. It further stated, “We strongly condemn their behavior for singling out Amar Singh for claiming our lost Sikh Empire and being a supporter of Begumpura Khalsa Raj in India.”

The letter goes on to make various concocted and repugnant statements about Hindu deities. It also claims that,’…Hindu in Persia means “chor [thief], dakoo [dacoit], raahzan [waylayer], and Ghulam [slave].”’ It opines that “RSS/Brahmins…should have no place in a country like Australia.”

Members of the AHA were furious upon reading the contents of the letter. However, it is clear that the letter has been written by a semi-literate buffoon.

The letter glorifies the deceased terrorist – Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale lauds the superiority of the Khalsa Empire and promotes the separatist Khalistan movement.

AHA will now lodge a complaint with NSW police to investigate whether the author/s of the letter committed the offence of publicly inciting violence on the grounds of religion contrary to section 93Z of the Crimes Act (NSW), the offence of dealing with identification information contrary to s192J of the Crimes Act or any other offence. The letter was created on a Word document at 1:18 pm on 17 May 2022 and has been circulated on various WhatsApp groups.

In his response to Opal Legal’s letter, Gurpreet Singh – Secretary of the Revesby Gurudwara (formally known as Sri Guru Singh Sabha) states that the letter is not authentic.

“We regret that our address has been misused for the reasons best known to them and we have initiated the enquiry forthwith regarding the misuse of our address for creating a disharmony among Sikhs and Hindus who have been living together in peace and we strongly condemn these activities.”

“Amar Singh of Turban 4 Australia is a separate organization and has nothing to do with committee of Sri Guru Singh Sabah Revesby,” he states.

The letter is a crude version of a toolkit used by a cabal of academics, journalists, writers, and other Hinduphobic forces. Their modus operandi is to paint Hinduism as oppressive, discriminatory, and primitive while glorifying breaking-India forces.

Australian Hindus will no longer tolerate such crass, vulgar, and hateful attacks on them. AHA will use all legal remedies available to it to expose and punish these Hinduphobic forces – both of the crude and of the sophisticated variety.