‘Swastika’ must not be criminalised in proposed Nazi hate legislation
he Australian Hindu Association welcomes the Queensland Government’s proposal to ban Nazi hate symbols. However, it is incorrect and offensive to Hindus, to describe the Nazi Hakenkreuz as Swastika.
The word Swastika must not be used in the proposed Queensland legislation to refer to the Nazi symbol Hakenkreuz.
Image :Hindu Symbol Swastika
Swastika is an auspicious and sacred symbol that has been used by Hindus for thousands of years. The AHA’s own logo carries the Swastika symbol.
Nowhere in Mein Kampf, published in the 1920s, did Adolf Hitler use the word Swastika.
Image : Nazi Symbol Hakenkreuz.
Hitler refers to the Nazi symbol at all times as Hakenkreuz. “Hooked cross” is the literal translation of Hakenkreuz into English.
The objects of the proposed legislation can properly be achieved by inserting the relevant symbols into the body of the legislation; rather than through the use of misleading descriptions such as Swastika. The Queensland government must consult with Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain organizations, including the AHA, before tabling the proposed legislation.
Referring to the Hakenkreuz as Swastika in legislation will expose Hindus who are practicing their faith to the risk of criminal prosecution. Further, before any Nazi hate legislation comes into force, it is imperative that your government educates Queensland politicians, media, police, and the general public about the difference between the Swastika and the Hakenkreuz.